In January 2022 we welcomed a Kickstart into our fold at 20Twenty and were delighted to be joined by Felicity. The Kickstart scheme is a government programme that offers six-month jobs to young people aged 16 to 24 years old, who are currently claiming Universal Credit and are at risk of long-term unemployment. 

Felicity was raised locally and attended Cromwell Community College. Joining 20Twenty is Felicity’s first experience in the workplace, so we were keen to see what her experience is like, in her own words. Here she shared her first month:

(She wasn’t paid to write this so positively… promise!

My first month at 20Twenty Productions has been exciting and inspiring. On my first day I met everyone, they were all lovely and welcoming. The first 2 weeks were just getting to know the company and how things work and the different projects 20Twenty run and take part in (which is a lot). 

During my month I have been designing posts on Canva to be used on social media, supporting on our new website, learning new admin skills, and being a part of our Insight project. Since starting at 20Twenty, I have gained new skills for example using Adobe  Illustrator, operating a camera, B2B social media, and how to work in a professional environment. I have also gained confidence in talking to people and office admin, such as answering emails and the phone. Recently we have had two Discover Days, which are events that allow children to immerse into new art forms and subjects. It was great seeing young people coming together to do different activities and talk about their favourite ones with enthusiasm. Within these sessions, I was taking pictures and recording using the new skills I had learned the days beforehand. 

I have really enjoyed working as a Marketing Assistant and working with the company and they’re amazing, talented people so far. I’m excited to see what the future holds for me at 20Twenty productions in the next couple of months.