
An exciting new activity for families will soon begin in March. Limited places so check out the  full details here.

Through Creative Learning

We will help your child try various creative activities in and out of school, all whilst building self-esteem.

Through Wellbeing

Programmes designed to help your child maintain a positive sense of well-being.

Through Social Action

Programmes that your child can join to improve the lives of other young people and their communities.

What is social mobility?

Social mobility refers to changes in a person’s socio-economic situation, either in relation to their parents (inter-generational mobility) or throughout their lifetime (intra-generational mobility).

Social mobility is linked to equality of opportunity: the extent to which people have the same chances in life regardless of the socio-economic background of their parents, their gender, age, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, birthplace, or any other circumstances beyond their control.

Social mobility and equality of opportunity can be measured in earnings, income, or social class but can also be understood to encompass other well-being dimensions such as health and education.

To learn more , please watch this excellent video by Lee Elliot Major, the UK’s first Professor of Social Mobility.

Our mission in action

We support children and young people thanks to a constantly evolving range of creative learning, well-being and social action projects delivered in schools, the community and our March Town Hall venue. Relevant information is available for schools, parents and young people above.

Your child can earn valuable qualifications with us

20Twenty Productions have been a Trinity Champion Arts Award centre for the last 5 years. Arts Award from Explore to Gold help your child gain qualifications through extracurricular activities. Arts Award helps anyone aged up to 25 to grow as an artist and arts leader. It inspires your child to connect with and participate in the arts industry. It can be any topic, ranging from fashion to digital art, pottery to events management, music and more. Please email Katherine if your school or child is interested in undertaking an Arts Award with us.

You can trust us

We have worked with 20Twenty Productions on many projects focused on supporting young people and their families as part of The Opportunity Area Social Mobility Programme. 20Twenty are key partners, the projects they have delivered for us have continuously exceeded our expectations. 20Twenty are committed, passionate and professional at every turn, creating exciting opportunities for young people and families with a strong focus on Community support. They have a deep understanding of the challenges across Fenland and an unwavering commitment to driving improvements. I cannot recommend 20Twenty enough, they have a wealth of knowledge, expertise and experience.”

Tiffany Middleton


“I have been a part of 20Twenty Productions for coming up to three years and in this time of being a part of 20Twenty, I have made loads more friends. The experiences I have gotten to take part in, have been amazing. Especially while being an Arts Ambassador and experiencing lots of different art forms to understand the arts and creative industry better. One thing that 20Twenty has really helped me in, is my confidence. As when I started, I didn’t have much but now, its grown loads more. The last thing that I am going to say is that 20Twenty to me is like a second family as everyone’s so kind and cheerful, and when you need to speak to them about how you are they give you the best advice they can.”



Our funders and partners

“Without our funders, 20Twenty Productions would not exist. In a world where all children and young people were treated with respect, equality and afforded creative and artistic opportunities to express themselves, we would not need to.”

Katherine Nightingale, CEO